- Ukraine is calling
- 20221129 085615
- Sequoia on PC 12
- Hidden sunshine
- Steep climb
- Stauséi from Sentier des amputés
- Runschelt viewpoint
- You can't miss Ënnescht Runtschelt
- Hiking and MTB routes
- Sauerdall above Heiderscheidergrund
- Horse cuddling
- Three cows
- Temporary floating bridge in Goebelsmühle
- This is what I call a car
- Closed road near Blaschette
- Three trees near Linster Lycée
- Sprint? Not really, just a loose heartrate monitor
- Waterfall at night
- Waterfall at night
- Äischdall at night
- New castle of Ansembourg at night
- Spider web
- Reflections
- Je travaille dur...
- Pétrusse valley
- MTB sign on Telecom connection box
- Kalkbrennen
- Can you find the bridge?
- MTB-Route Greiveldange
- Moselle valley near Greiveldange
- Reflections in the Moselle river near Stadtbredimus
- Vineyards near Bech-Kleinmacher
- A very steep incline in the vineyards (26% average)
- Moselle vineyards near Bech-Kleinmacher
- Landslide
- Track near Ellange
- Migrating cranes
- Luxembourg to France border crossing
- Christmas market in the park
- Pfaffenthal lift Christmas decoration
- PC 16 to Gilsdorf
- Sauerdall near Moestroff
- Climb in the rain
- Traditional stop at the White Ernz
- Rocks near Fischbach
- Forest track near Fischbach
- Forest track above Rollingen
- What a dirty track!
- Art at Villa Romaine Goeblange
- The only reason I go to work...
- Bike route to Capellen
- The decay of Vëlosummer
- Accidental triple exposure
- Pond near Bertrange
- Special Bambësch commute
- It's always Vëlosummer
- Kirel water stream
- Valley near Erpeldange (Wiltz)
- Track near Derenbach
- Frozen nettle
- A pretty but cold valley near Brachtenbach
- Tëttelbaach
- Smile
- Oesling valley near Knaphoscheid
- Cold valley near Enscherange
- Track near Alscheid
- Mini sunbath
- Let the climb begin!
- Dissipating fog in Grund
- Fog in Alzette valley
- Golden hour in Colmar-Berg
- Hiking and Mountain Biking signs in Echternach
- Mullerthal forest near Echternach
- Mullerthal forest near Echternach
- Abandoned building on PC 2
- Syre river in Betzdorf
- Piste cyclable de la Syre in the fog
- Syrdall below the fog
- Forest path near Medingen
- Tree in the fog
- Fog in the forest between Itzig and Hesperange
- Foggy night in Pétrusse valley
- Foggy night at Pétrusse Skate Park
- Bridge deconstruction
- Playing with light in the fog
- Fog on the motorway
- Morning fog
- Moonlight, bike light and violet LED light
- Storm is approaching
- Lightning activity; I shall go home!
- Moon above Koerich castle
- Which way?
- Forest art
- Forest art
- De sëlwer-roude Rack
- De sëlwer-roude Rack
- Leiffrächen Nature Reserve
- Haard Nature Reserve
- Haard Nature Reserve
- Old mines
- Old mines
- Old mines
- Viewpoint to Tétange
- RedRock MTB trail:Haard black
- RedRock MTB trail:Haard black
- RedRock MTB trail:Haard black
- RedRock MTB trail:Haard black
- Skate park Dudelange
- Mural in Dudelange
- Mural in Dudelange
- Be quiet and listen!
- Schrondweiler
- Trellsbam, Schieren
- View to the Alzette valley above Schieren
- Autumn colours in Hovelange
- Forest near Hovelange
- Cows in Garnich
- Climb from Rollingergrund to Limpersberg
- Mamerdall from Missiounskraiz
- Fern and wheel
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert near Steinfort
- Alpaca
- Forest road near Reimberg
- Siwe Brécke-Wee
- Path near Grosbous
- Zigzags
- Blooming mural on power substation in Grosbous
- Trees near Dellen
- Dellen-Grosbous bike route
- Valley near Dellen
- Horses
- Black horse
- Valleys near Merscheid
- Valleys near Merscheid
- Forest near Turelbaach
- Gate
- Path near Warken
- Forest path above Mamerdall