Bike in the train
Is it the most expensive per kilometre train journey in Europe?
Alter Moselkran, Trier
Wilhelm-Brücke, Trier
Porta Nigra, Trier
The Rhine near Kaltenengers
The Rhine route near Kaltenengers
Bollwerk, Andernach
A long trip to the Black Sea
The Rhine near Remagen
The Rhine in Mehlem
Sign is full of thematic cycling routes
Meal in Bonn
Ludwig Van Beethoven statue in Bonn
Werk Wesseling industry
Industriestraße, Godorf
Rhine beach, Cologne
At Cologne's cathedral
Hohenzollernbrücke, Köln
Refections on Adenauer Weiher, Cologne
Burg Bergerhausen
Cycling directions in Bergerhausen
Animation in Zülpich park
Rurtalsperre from RurUfer-Radweg
Kayak and boats
Eifel National Park sign
Boat on Rurtalsperre
Rurtalsperre reservoir
Eifel-Höhen-Route information board in Simmerath
Cycling directions in Simmerath
Nodal cycling network map in Simmerath
NSG Rurtal mit den Felsbildungen der Uhusley nature reserve
No fishing
Vennbahn near Bütgenbach
km 0 on RAVeL
RAVeL fork in Bütgenbach
Vennbahn information board in Bütgenbach
Picknick and info-TV viewpoint
Old bridge
Scooting holiday
Cycling distances in St. Vith
Vennbahn information board in St. Vith
Vennbahn information board in St. Vith
3 countries ride event banner
MTB Park map in St. Vith
km 100 on Vennbahn
A swim or a horse ride? Yes!!
The only part of Vennbahn in Rhineland-Palatinate
The Our river
Just paved segment of Vennbahn
Roadworks on Vennbahn
Luxembourg/Belgium border on Vennbahn
Vennbahn near Goedange
Vennbahn near Troisvierges
A short climb near Troisvierges
Cycling directions near Troisvierges
Vennbahn near Troisvierges
South end of Vennbahn
I see bikes
Bikes in the train
Train platform
Pfaffenthal lift
Kinnekswiss stage being setup
Pettingen Castle
Golden hour on PC 12 near Bissen
Niederpallen station
Infected oak tree
Traditional photo stop near Eischen
Haystack near Bertrange
No smoking
Unpaved track near Kehlen
Six horns pointing at me!
Villa Romaine Goeblange
Picnic break
Asphalt track between Mamer and Kehlen
Sunset in the city
Hot sun
Enneschte Bësch
10,000 km photo stop with 2 WorldTraveller bikes
Night sky
The beginning of golden hour
Fox looking for a needle in several haystacks
Forest in Capellen
Somewhere between Messancy and Clemency
Falling ice... ha ha ha...
The most common sign in Belgium?
Graveling on the trail
On the edge of the forest
A way in the field
Bloomy ride
Track up
Oak processionary caterpillars found in the area
The Mullerthal Canyon on PC 2
Wooden bridge in Mullerthal
Sauer river
The Wine Gate
Cycling directions near Ralingen
Cycling in three countries
Welcome to Rhineland-Palatinate
Vineyards near Palzem
Schengen Agreement
Château des Ducs de Lorraine
Cycling route along the Moselle river
International border
Jhangely meorial
Eagle monument in Dalheim
A street at night
Crowded place
Spillfest setup
Group selfie from behind the scene
Autopédestre Mamer 1
Curvy asphalt track
Picnic table in Capellen
Pont Adolphe at night
Rain away
Wet Tee
Wet clothes
Get wet now
The beginning of the rain
Before the thunderstorm
Badgers in the park
Picnic group
Picnic table
Fountain in Hesper Park
A wall ahead
Forest track
Cross and information boards
A stop in the woods
In motion
Climb to Leudelange
Boat of Pontpierre
Trees at all angles
Betebuerger Bësch Nature Reserve
You shall not path!
Vineyards in Mosel-Radweg
Vineyards in Mosel-Radweg
Boar and bear
Steps on Nahe-Hunsrück-Mosel-Radweg
Gutenthal sign
Cycle path
Gravel track on Hunsrück-Radweg near Allenbach
Track in Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park
National park sign
Hunsrück-Radweg cycling directions near Erbeskopf
Hunsrück-Radweg information board near Hilscheid
Trees in Hunsrück-Hochwald
Cycling directions near Neuhütten
In the hills of Hunsrück-Radweg
Bad pavement
Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park
Hunsrück-Radweg near Hermeskeil
Fire bridage experience museum in Hermeskeil
Train in Reinsfeld
Hunsrück-Radweg near Irsch
The Saar cycling route
All ways lead to Saarburg
Mersch Park
Wooden path in Mersch Park
Water in Mersch Park
Didelbur historic lavoir
New Castle of Ansembourg
Road between Nospelt and Roodt/Eisch
Accidental meeting with a fox
Sun rays and a bike
Transporting LEGO on a bike
Transporting a wheel on a bike
Sunset near Hivange
Rainbow at sunset
Between rain and blue sky at golden hour
Oh deer
House in Clemency
Wet tyre
First morning rain in a while
20190612 094405
On the path
Direct sale farm in Limpach
Stop planes and drones
Access denied
Military equipment
I am one of the two
Riding on the side
Just before the deluge
Thunderstorm ahead
Clouds above us
Thunderstorm behind us
Group ride
Follow the way
Changing weather near Dippach
Upside down
Fitness forest
The Saar in Kanzem
Welcome to Irsch
Welcome to Rhineland Palatinate
Cycling directions near Taben-Rodt
Self-service shop
Along the Saar
Along the Saar
Villeroy & Boch headquarters in Mettlach
Mettlach station and factory
Losheim am See Railway Museum
Two bikes
Saarland-Radweg near Losheim am See
Official cycling route Saarland-Radweg!
The village of Weiskirchen
Trees and fields
Cycling infrastructure in Wadern
Dagstuhl Castle
Gravel track
An original bike parking
Zigzag in the valley
Primstal-Radweg entering Saarland
Boule-Platz in Reinsfeld
Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg information board near Reinsfeld
Historic train in Reinsfeld
Old railway became a cycleway
Vending machine at Biergarten along the cycleway in Reinsfeld
Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg information board near Kell am See
Bike, bench and train
Bike touring
Ride slowly
Hunrück-Radweg & Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg information boards in Zerf
Cyclists in Zerf
Bridge over Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg with a direction to a eat, drink and sleep
Cycing directions near Hentern
Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg near Schillingen
Dramatic PC 9
Empty motorway
PC 12 in Kockelsheuer?
Wheel transport
Broken spoke
A track near Clemency
Wheat near Clemency
Another track going nowhere
Another track going nowhere
A track going nowhere near Hagen
Arsene Mersch memorial
Some wind
Hunnebur waterfall
Hunnebur waterfall
The Eisch river
Hollenfels castle
Forest near Hollenfels
Not sure about that, but you might be authorised to ride a motor
On the track near Bour
Forest near Capellen
Just a track on the side, going nowhere except to the storm
Sun rays
Picnic time
Picnic time
Trees at an angle
Drēps picnic place
The Mamerdal canyon
My route, elevated
I could hear the thunder
Mamer Castle
Gemengerot 2017
Koerich church
Track in Koerich
Water tower in Koerich
Forest in Bertrange
Bike light
Sunset in Merl
Picnic stop
PC 1 along the Alzette river
How to care for cyclists
Tree near Holzem
Morning ride to work
Sculpted lion
Useldange Castle
Nut house in Useldange
Information board about Bissen
Sculpted owl (Duc?) in Bissen park
Colmar-Berg sign
Birtrange castle
Médaille de la reconnaissance nationale
The Sûre river
5th U.S. Infantry Division memorial
2431 km to Santiago de Compostela
Directions in Echternach
Echternach lake
Mullerthal canyon
Consdorf bomb
Some people I talked to during my trip
Drinking water for bikers
Farming and radio transmitter
Paved track near Beidweiler
Road victims memorial
Piste cyclable d'Echternach near Ernster
Go Vegan campain
Go Vegan campain
Alzette river
The Gate
Le Palais
Official bike
An empty boulevard
Marathon's leader
I don't even like driving 42.2 km
Samba de Luxe