- Ready to go
- Niederpallen station panorama
- Sunset over Redange
- Dällchen West Tour fork from PC 12
- Rider in motion
- Woods
- Picnic shelter on PC 12
- Mirror
- Useldange Castle
- Useldange Castle
- Local cycleway between Preizerdaul and Eschette
- Moon
- Where PC 18 goes on the main road
- In the woods between Martelange and Perlé
- All ways lead to Rome
- Welcome to Haut-Martelange
- Welcome to Perlé
- PC 18 near Flatzbour
- Road directions near Bilsdorf
- Track from Bilsdorf to return to the road
- View over the Upper-Sûre valley
- Where PC 17 meets several local cycling routes
- PC 17 between Redange and Rambrouch
- PC 17 between Rambrouch and Redange
- PC 17 between Niederpallen and Redange
- Former train station in Niederpallen
- Cycling directions near Beckerich
- Enchanted forest between Septfontaines and Schweich
- A road sign near Jhangeli West Tour
- Meanwhile in Rippweiler
- PC 12 between Useldange and Noerdange
- Pre-autumn colours on PC 12 during golden hour
- PC 12 meets Dällchen West Tour
- Picnic shelter on PC 12
- Dällchen West Tour
- Dällchen West Tour crossing N 12
- Welcome to Useldange
- Useldange Castle at twilight
- Climb between Attert and Eisch valleys
- Dällchen West Tour meets local cycling route
- Local cycling route between Grosbous and Reimberg
- Local cycling route in Dellen
- Cows surprised to see something happening around
- Bench and cross near l'Étang d'abissage de Kuborn
- Down to Upper-Sûre Lake from Kuborn
- Welcome to Kuborn
- Local cycling route between Rindschleiden and Kuborn
- Cycling network
- Local businesses
- Rindschleiden
- Climb
- Cycling downhill
- Napoleonsgaard
- Curvy and sloppy asphalt track
- Cycling directions in Eschette
- Sunflower
- Cycleway between Pratz and Eschette
- Cycling directions
- Up to the tree
- Cycling directions
- Cycling routes intersection
- Countryside asphalt track
- Cycling distance
- Car distance
- Signpost
- Turn
- Countryside asphalt track
- Wisen West Tour in the woods
- PC 12 in Hovelange
- PC 12 in Hovelange
- Cycling directions
- Wisen West Tour direction signs
- PC 12 and PC 17 fork
- Tunnel of trees
- Secure intersection
- Wisen West Tour
- Wisen West Tour
- A real barrier to cycling - bollocks infra
- Where PC 12 meets PC 17
- Where PC 12 meets PC 17
- Niederpallen station
- Piste cyclable de l'Ouest
- Those things you will never notice when you drive a car
- Water pond
- Praying for no flats
- Oops, stairs...
- Local cycling route
- Tree on asphalt track
- Dällchen West Tour meets PC 12
- Direction signs showing local and regional Dällchen West Tour c
- Sunset was behind me
- Sunset bike
- Welcome to Ell
- Road down to Colpach-Haut
- Piste cyclable de l'Ouest
- Cycling directions
- Cycling in Préizerdaul
- Where Wisen West Tour meets local cycling routes
- Cycling directions
- Useldange or Useldange?
- Tiny sign
- Cycling route between Vitchen and Michelbrouch
- Local cycling route in Beckerich
- I hate those since I got trapped on the wrong side
- Picnic shelter on PC 12
- Direction signs on PC 12
- Should be a bike on the sign
- Wrong way?
- Château d'Useldange