The Vanishing Road
Where the Sun Kissed the Frost
Citrus's Winter Nap
A Frozen Path Beckons
Where does this icy path lead?
Sunlit Path Through the Woods
Having a Towering Good Time in Useldange
Well, that's one way to ruin a walk
Stillness In autumn
Such an inviting route
Sheep, sheep, everywhere a sheep
A Bicycle Graveyard, a junkyard of Dreams
Hay there, another stack!
A lane of falling leaves, a symphony of rustling and golden hues
The dragon's tail of the sleeping valley
The stumpy sentinels of the drained lake
A giant's puzzle, missing pieces
A dry riverbed and its silent guardians
The secret cascade of the Sauerdall
Scene of Nature's artwork
Rocking the shore: a stony situation
When the lake went on holiday
A castle fit for a medieval duck
Time to think, but make it quick
Secrets lie beneath the calm surface
The quiet beauty of a muddy path
When the road splits, just pick the muddiest one
A path of amber leaves, under skies of grey
When leaves decide to have a party on the path
A symphony of autumnal colours
Mossy roof and a woolly drinker
Three sheep and a brick wall
A final splash of sunshine
Shadow selfie, with a side of village
Lannen in its autumnal glory
A stroll through the woods
Planking the forest floor
The forest's gentle cradle
Where did the ground go?
Clearly, someone's taking the scenic route... sideways
Meet the spooky squad
Double, double, toil and trouble... and a dog in the window!
The path to gold under grey skies
Not another hilly landscape
When the church has better furniture than your house
Sacred space, ancient heart
Holy stones, Batman!
The whisper of the way, the rhythm of the clouds
Witching you a spooky ride
Fallen stars on a concrete river
Autumn's embrace on the cycle path
One tree, no drama
Pathway to the wild heart
Road less travelled (and slightly wonky)
A weighty matter for a little mouse
Pac-man's cheese snack
Where's the road? Oh, there's a cow!
The grey embrace
Hay there, big stack!
Another road and some trees, how thrilling
A tempest of beauty, brewing in the north
A walk in the woods
Rusty relics of a bygone era
Steep climb in the woods
Where ancient trees guard a hidden path
A path of possibility under an endless sky
A bit of a haircut for the hillside
The trail whispers secrets of the woods
Exploring the heart of nature
Pedal power through emerald shadows
Horsing around at bike4all
Food stop in Dellen during bike4all event
Food stop in Dellen during bike4all event
Food stop in Dellen during bike4all event
A hidden gem to discover and enjoy
Gravelling with a road bike
Light and Shadow
Windsock picnic
Château de Colpach
Standing on the line (literally)
Nature's raw power
Puddle trouble
The road to the grey horizon
The remarkable oak guardian of Saeul
Chilling cow in Calmus
Acorn cabins: nuts about nature
Banner promoting the local bicycle routes
Vëlosummer: A sunny ride with cloudy company
The tree where paths diverge
The green ribbon
The guardian of the hill near Pratz
Is this house abandoned, or does it still have some life in it?
Slow cycling Guttland banner
Bird sculptuure artwork in Useldange
Birds in the Middle Ages (artwork)
Art in Useldange
The cat-witch of Saeul
The old oak of Saeul information board
Dirty forest track
Big clouds
Piste cyclable des Ardoisières
Honesty based vending station
Muddy way
Digitalis flowers next to the track
Bench in a trunk
Pretty but dirty track near Rambrouch
Track near Roodt (Ell)
Slightly damaged huge oak tree near Schweich
Sheep near Rippweiler
Cows in Turelbaach valley
Turelbaach valley near Dellen
Dellen-Grosbous bike route through the forest
Picnic table near Dellen
The bench factory!
Pretty creek valley near Reimberg
Pretty creek valley near Reimberg
Arelbierg bench
Limonade stand in Wahl
Wet track
Forest track near Wahl
Art on a dead tree
Rain ahead
Threatening sky
Fields near Préizerdaul
Clouds in the sky
Forest near Perlé
L'Attert à Vélo
Ruin near Oberpallen
Cloudy sky near Schwebach
Hill near Saeul
Lightning activity alert
Close storm, but I'm next to a shelter
Storm ahead
Forest track near Ospern
Green piano on roundabout in Redange
Forest path near Redange
Haut-du "Kimm"
Forest track near Holtz
Clouds near Holtz
Planes at airfield Useldange
Path near Vichten
Track near Brattert
Trees near Hovelange
View near Misärshaff
Bridge near Arsdorf
Forest track near Beckerich
Threatening sky
Forest track near Holtz
Shades of green
Valley between Holtz and Roodt
Forest track near Roodt
Valley near Petit-Nobressart
PC 17 near Redange
Turelbaach castle
Dirty track near Grosbous
Track fork near Neimillen (Grosbous)
Forest track near Wahl
Street in Wahl
Strange clouds near Redingshaff
Back to the road
Tree tunnel near Folschette
Easter bunny haystack in Ell
New bike route between Saeul and Tuntange
New bike route between Saeul and Tuntange
New bike route between Saeul and Tuntange
New bike route between Saeul and Tuntange
Autopédestre Vichten
Blooming tree in Ospern
Kropemann sculpture, Redange
Frogs at Kropemann sculpture, Redange
Cave entrance near Redange
Very muddy
Easter bunny
Forest track between Nothomb and Perlé
Stauséi near Arsdorf
Sculpture near Bilsdorf
Zigzap road to Rambrouch
Track near Iewerlengermillen
Bike route between Kuborn and Eschdorf
Track near Buschrodt
Useldange castle
PC 17 near Redange
Grenz West Tour
Is this a bridge?
Track or creek?
Gravel track near Redingshaff
Clear weather after the storm
Finally some sun
Misty Martelange
Flooded track
Deep puddle
Partly frozen puddle
Beware; kids are on the way!!
Dirty track
Cat sculptures in Saeul
Frosty trees between Koetchette and Kimm
Golden hour near Vichten
Sauer in Pont-Misère
Useldange castle decorated
Dirty track near Buschrodt
Forest track near Grevels
Dirty track near Grevels
Kirchberg in the background
Track near Grevels
MTB route near Grevels
Gravel track near Heispelt
PC 17 to Arsdorf
Curious sheep
Some frozen water
Clouds going out of the valley
Rainbow in Holtz
This big pumpkin isn't for sale
Forest near Hovelange
What a deep puddle!!
Golden hour near Michelbouch
Autumn on PC 12 near Noerdange
Autumn in Hovelange
Track near Brattert
Meadows and forest
Sunflower field
Dällchen West Tour near Vichten
Forest near Grosbous
Old slate quarry
Forest near Perlé
Tiny house in Redange/Attert
WIndmill project near Septfontaines
After the rain near Vichten
After the rain near Vichten
Rain on Garmin
Rain in Hovelange
Track near Kuborn
Track near Kuborn
Agriculture machine near Grevels
Track near Bigonville
Big smile in the forest
Useldange castle
Owl sculpture in Useldange
Useldange picnic table
Forest staircase near Ell
MTB trail Rambrouch near Holtz
MTB trail Rambrouch near Holtz
Cats and shoe
Bench around the tree
Meadows bike tour
Rain shelter of the day
Rain shower
Turelbaach castle
Turelbaach castle
Track near Dellen
Forest track near Heispelt
Viewpoint on the Stauséi
Resting place near Arsdorf
Path near Arsdorf
Boats near Pont-Misère
Bricks of beer
Creek along the border near Wolwelange
Border crossing
Dirt track near Michelbouch
Cows near Vichten
Pretty forest near Reimberg
Pretty forest near Reimberg
Bridge over the Attert in Everlange
Alpaca near Calmus
Quite some water from the rain
The smugglers path
Happy Ardoisière near Martelange
House whose entrance is in the roof
Vëlosummer in Ell
Track near Kuborn
Stunt? No thank you!
Fox crossing
That's a huge pile of kaystack
Ardennes valley between Dellen and Merscheid
Bike route between Grosbous and Dellen
Creek bed near Reimberg
The cat witch of Saeul
Private track
Track forest near Saeul
Track near Everlange
Water mill in Platen
Green water in Bettborn
Creek in Bettborn
Sad bin
Abundance of raspberries
Branches on the way
Horses near Hovelange
Remote thunderstorm
Kapell Kuelebierg near Beckerich
Remote thunderstorm
Path near Beckerich
Clouds near Colpach-Haut
Horses near Rommelerhaff
Bus works
Valley near Rommelerhaff
Entering Luxembourg
Sauer bridge
PC18 near Perlé
Forest track near Holtz
Colpach-Bas park
Colpach-Bas castle
Tracks near Grosbous
Road between Rindschleiden and Grevels
The village of Arsdorf
Dällchen West Tour near Vichten
Guttland.Trail information sign
Remote storm
Water source near Calmus
Is this a bench?
Golden hour near Hovelange
Track between Pont-Misère and Bilsdorf
Track between Pont-Misère and Bilsdorf
Forest track near Rambrouch
Autopédestre Holtz
A thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere
That thunderstorm is close!
A thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere
Michel Lucius museum information board
Baker in Reimberg
Wisen West Tour in Préizerdaul
Wisen West Tour in Préizerdaul
Greenery in Préizerdaul
Horses eating
Shades of green
Fantastic light
Sentier des Fraudeurs
Old industry
Old industry
Ardoisière in Haut-Martelange
Ardoisière in Haut-Martelange
Ardoisière in Haut-Martelange
Sentier de l'ardoisière
Former railroad
Forestry works
Spooky trees
Koulbich valley
Koulbich valley
Koulbich valley
Koulbich valley
Koulbich valley
Belgium-Luxembourg border point 142
Threatening sky
Nearby storm
Nearby storm
Sentier de l'Attert
Sentier de l'Attert
Thunderstorm around!
Dällchen West Tour near Useldange
Abandoned forest building
Abandoned building near Michelbouch
Autopédestre Vichten
Faces of Vichten
Blooming plant
Fording a creek
Track near Bigonville
Moo cow
Puddles on Rambrouch MTB Trail
Bench with a style
Sculpture in the forest along Rambrouch MTB Trail
Running water fast exposure
Creek near Petit-Nobressart
Running water fast exposure
Ford in Petit-Nobressart
Happy tree?
Have a look at the nature
The village of Lannen
Fun sign
What a sign
Le Train-Quai
Broken spring
Forest near Hovelange
Forest near Hovelange
Forest near Folschette
Forest near Folschette
Forest near Folschette
Forest near Folschette