- Cycling directions near Aachen
- RurUfer-Radweg
- RurUfer-Radweg
- Kayak and boats
- Eifel National Park sign
- Boat on Rurtalsperre
- Rurtalsperre reservoir
- Eifel-Höhen-Route information board in Simmerath
- Cycling directions in Simmerath
- Nodal cycling network map in Simmerath
- NSG Rurtal mit den Felsbildungen der Uhusley nature reserve
- No fishing
- Rurtalweg
- Monschau
- Monschau
- Monschau
- Vennbahn infoboard details
- Vennbahn infoboard
- Totem sign
- km 2 of Vennbahn
- The beginning (or the end) of Vennbahn
- Cycling directions in Aachen
- Tall landmark
- Miniature landmark
- Sad sign
- Smobies everywhere
- Cycling directions in Aachen
- Approaching Aachen
- I thought the Netherlands were a flat country
- Border between the Netherlands and Germany