Härebësch information board
Path in Härebësch
A stop at Villa Romaine in Goeblange
Sun rays through the clouds
Morning commute to work via Bambësch
Hunnebur waterfall
A non-mandatory cycleway/walkway
Lunch break in the forest
Cow looking at me
Track in the woods
I feel tiny compared to this!
Traffic congestion
Who's stupid enough to carry watermelons on a bike? I AM and hav
Before heading down to Niederpallen
Why do I think of a baby cat each time I go there?
Beckerich mineral water.
Forest track near Beckerich
Fresh temperature in the tunnel
Cold and humid Hobscheid tunnel
Traditional photos stop near Eischen
Rain near Steinfort
Cars are a symbol of freedom; really?
Tractor left alone
PC 13 near PC 12
CR 105 near Koerich
In the heat of the day!
Summer camp being set
Track near Hagen
View towards Arlon from Garnich
Trees and heat
The black sheeps on their way to work
When you leave a thermometre probe outside in the sun on a hot d
Dog and his puppet
Sentier de la Mamer near Schoenfels
Sentier de la Mamer near Schoenfels
Huellee cave
Schoenfels castle from viewpoint
Bike at viewpoint
Works on PC 14
Construction works in Bertrange
The red bench near Bertrange
Cows on the way
Track going to the forest between Capellen and Holzem
Forest near Capellen
Way between Mamer and Kehlen
Viewpoint near Hivange
Cycling near Hivange
Lunch break near Kehlen
Yellow fields
Rondweg Gemeng Dippech
Moon somewhere near Sanem
Thunderstorm is now South
Pipes length measured with accuracy
Downpour, so I'll wait a bit before leaving the office ;-)
Capellen forest
Cow's curiosity
Cow's curiosity
Sunset in Parc Lentz in Helfent, Bertrange
PC 14 near Olm
Way to Windhof from Capellen
Haystack and drone
Mamer Park
Happy to cycle
Tunnel repairs
Forest track near Beckerich
MTB trail Beckerich, with some tree on the way
MTB trail Beckerich
MTB trail Beckerich
Road to Ehner
Forest track near Calmus
Forest track repairs
Autopédestre Septfontaines 1 hiking trail
Château de Septfontaines
Door to the cave
PC 14 is closed? No problem I just went via Mamerdal.
Somewhere near Hunsdorf
Somewhere near Mullendorf
Exploring some tracks
Exploring some tracks
Go slowly, if you like.
Track in Mamerdal between Mamer and Kopstal
Mamer forest
Commuting back from work in the forest
Morning commute on the track
Not alone on the road
Caught the last train of the day
Troisvierges train station
Sky porn after sunset near Troine
Sunset colours near Troine
Sunset on the Belgium border near Hinterhasselt
Wëntger Gënzentour near Oberwampach
On the edge to Belgium
Sauer valley near Boulaide
Sauer from Pont-Misère
Upper-Sûre Natural Park near Pont-Misère
Fountain in Bigonville
A locality I haven't been to before
PC 18 near Rambrouch
PC 17 near Koetschette
PC 17 North of Redange
Third class train carriage
Friends of Jhangeli
Horse in Schweich (Beckerich)
Traditional photo stop place near Eischen
Very interesting clouds (South view)
Very interesting clouds (West view)
Golden hour near Kockelscheuer
New cycling infrastructure near Eurohub Sud
Eurohub Sud
New cycling infrastructure between Burange and Eurohub Sud
Mondercange water tower
Caterpillars on the way, so please go kill yourself against spee
Swine fever warning
Oak processionary warning
L'Orchestra by Make Koler Kooler
Car, a symbol of freedom; really?
Cows just after waking up, it seems.
GCUM and on the phone
Track near Béreldange
Wandering fire by Hermann Gschaider
Sun rays through the clouds
Which way to Äischdall?
Asphalt track near Nospelt
Autopédestre Nospelt 1
Merovingian grave sign
Information board near Dondelange
Bench at Viewpoint
Telpeschholz Nature Reserve sign
Still hesitating between two possible ways...
Pettingen Castle
Golden hour on PC 12 near Bissen
Niederpallen station
Infected oak tree
Traditional photo stop near Eischen
Haystack near Bertrange
No smoking
Unpaved track near Kehlen
Six horns pointing at me!
Villa Romaine Goeblange
Picnic break
Asphalt track between Mamer and Kehlen
Hot sun
Enneschte Bësch
The beginning of golden hour
Fox looking for a needle in several haystacks
Forest in Capellen
Somewhere between Messancy and Clemency
Falling ice... ha ha ha...
The most common sign in Belgium?
Graveling on the trail
On the edge of the forest
A way in the field
Bloomy ride
Track up
Autopédestre Mamer 1
Curvy asphalt track
Picnic table in Capellen
Rain away
Wet Tee
Wet clothes
Get wet now
The beginning of the rain
Before the thunderstorm
A wall ahead
Forest track
Cross and information boards
A stop in the woods
Mersch Park
Wooden path in Mersch Park
Water in Mersch Park
Didelbur historic lavoir
New Castle of Ansembourg
Road between Nospelt and Roodt/Eisch
Accidental meeting with a fox
Sun rays and a bike
Transporting LEGO on a bike
Transporting a wheel on a bike
Sunset near Hivange
Rainbow at sunset
Between rain and blue sky at golden hour
Oh deer
House in Clemency
Wet tyre
First morning rain in a while
20190612 094405
On the path
Direct sale farm in Limpach
Stop planes and drones
Access denied
Military equipment
I am one of the two
Riding on the side
Broken spoke
A track near Clemency
Wheat near Clemency
Another track going nowhere
Another track going nowhere
A track going nowhere near Hagen
Arsene Mersch memorial
Some wind
Hunnebur waterfall
Hunnebur waterfall
The Eisch river
Hollenfels castle
Forest near Hollenfels
Not sure about that, but you might be authorised to ride a motor
On the track near Bour
Forest near Capellen
Just a track on the side, going nowhere except to the storm
Sun rays
Picnic time
Picnic time
Trees at an angle
Drēps picnic place
The Mamerdal canyon
My route, elevated
I could hear the thunder
Mamer Castle
Gemengerot 2017
Koerich church
Track in Koerich
Water tower in Koerich
Forest in Bertrange
How to care for cyclists
Tree near Holzem
Morning ride to work
Bourscheid castle
Twilight in Sauertal near Bourscheid
Sauertal near Goesdorf
Welcome to Esch-sur-Sûre
Trees' shadows on a field near Liefrange
Thanks but no thanks
Lac de la Haute-Sûre
Fisherman at the lake
Welcome to Bavigne
Gravel track near Bavigne
Welcome to Boulaide
Upper-Sûre Nature Park sign
Lac de la Haute-Sûre from Pont Misère
Viewpoint between Bilsdorf and Misärshaff
Cycling directions near Koetchette
Welcome to Rambrouch
Cycling directions in Rambrouch
Niederpallen train station
At d'Millen Beckerich
Hovelange tunnel
PC 12 near Eischen
Forest track near Lintgen
Wheat and sunset
Path in Kehlen
Asphalt track in Kehlen
Bike in Goetzingen
Forest near Mamer
Firemen in training
Track near Kehlen
Track between Mamer and Kehlen
Track near Capellen
Path in Windhof
Path in Windhof
Forest track in Mamer
Fight club
Track in Bertrange
Luxembourg Airport
Hill near Hivange
What are you looking at?
Bike near the cliff
Enchanted forest near Eischen
Traditional photo stop near Eischen
Sunset time near Hovelange
Need a break in Hovelange?
Forest near Useldange
Rippweiler water tower
Cycling directions in Kapweiler
Useldange castle
Jumpin' goat
Shadow casting
Cheering tree
Bridge in Colmar Berg at the junction between PC 12 and PC 15
Syndicat des Eaux du Sud
Slope down to Hunsdorf
Track near Schwanenthal
End of shooting limits
Warm greetings
Track near Kehlen
Rainbow above zenith
Capellen forest
Tee of the day (proscastination)
Break in the woods
Track near Hivange
Track between Drëps and Capellen
Drēps picnic site
Mamerdal canyon
Along the Mamer river near Mamer
The Mamerdal canyon
Fire in the sky
Villa Romaine Goeblange
Above Villa Romaine in Goeblange
Forest trail
Over the Eisch river
Commuting hook via Belgium
MVOS season in the office basement
PC 12 near Hautcharage
Make Koler Kooler
Capellen forest
Tee of the day
Useldange castle
Cycling directions before night
Bike training
The tunnel
Traditional photo stop near Eischen
The canyon near Steinfort
Rider on PC 12
Tee of the day
Capellen forest
Cycling infra made in Mamer
Which way is it?
A hook into French territory
Near Aspelt
Near Syren
Near Münsbach
The last wolf memorial
Forest track near Olingen
After work detour
When Ascent equals Altitude
MVOS2019: let's get started