- Final bike2work ride of the year in Nospelt
- Pedal Boat?
- The 10,000th nautical mile of this year!
- Let it rain
- Multilayer firewalls
- But we have a firewall
- Stop at Christmas Market
- Stop at Christmas Market
- Since I am not allowed on this street, I will park there
- Remainings of snow
- Snow is melting in the train leaving water on the floor...
- Season greetings
- Forged sign in Reisdorf
- Larochette castle
- Cleared PC 5 near Larochette
- Local cycling route to Christnach from Supp
- Snow on the bike
- Fog and snow on PC 5 near Supp
- White Ernz river
- Entry/exif of PC 5 near Godbrange
- Some motorist might got scared
- No winter service between Godbrange and PC 5
- Clear way near Junglinster
- Snow near Rameldange
- A mark to the heart of Grünewald
- Misty and snowy Grünewald
- Misty and snowy Grünewald
- Misty and snowy Grünewald
- Misty and snowy Grünewald
- Snowman in Kirchberg
- Arboretum with fog and snow
- Snowman in Dräi Eechelen park
- Bike at MUDAM
- Red Bridge with snow and fog
- Maison Néolithique at sunset
- Grünewald
- Grünewald
- Icy road
- Bike lights and load
- In the forest near Capellen
- Frozen water
- Between Mamer and Kehlen
- Horse
- Christmas bike: act 1 scene 1
- Sunset of the day
- Frost near Tennis Club Capellen
- Grumpy light painting
- Elf Surveillance
- First frozen water of the season
- Misty forest
- Foggy morning
- Night bike
- Sunset
- Freezing fog on the way to work
- Freezing fog on the way to work
- Winter tyres on
- Railroad crossing
- Sun appearing near Capellen after several days of rain
- PC 14 after a windy day
- Pétrusse river after the rain
- Pine cones collected from the top of the tree
- Cycleway flood
- Cycleway flood
- Can't understand the meaning of this sign
- Creek to torrent transformation
- Collapsed tree hanging over a valley
- Tree on the way
- Path next to PC 2 between Consdorf and Lauterborn
- Canyon
- After a stormy day
- After a stormy day
- After a stormy day
- After a stormy day
- Memorial for road victims
- Piste cyclable d'Echternach near Kirchberg
- PC 2 is the biggest parking
- Light painting tool
- Rain between Garnich and Kahler
- Watch for cats
- Rain and wind
- Traditional December roadworks
- Christmas market
- The end of the road
- Mersch underpass
- Barn light painting
- Cycling directions near Redange
- Niederpallen station
- Schweicherthal former fire brigade
- Hovelange Tunnel
- PC 12 near Eischen
- Squirrel
- Forest near Koerich
- Forest track between Luxembourg and Mamer
- Bambësch
- Piste cyclable du Centre near Reckenthal
- Thiellen Fleurs shop decoration in Mersch
- Cycling directions near Dahlem
- Misty landscape near Garnich
- New sign, seen for the first time
- National cycleways direction sign
- Track in the fog
- Pond
- Naughty surface
- Grass former railway station
- Rainbow
- Red bench
- Almost dry...
- Rainy morning
- Puddle reflection
- Danger
- Traditional landscape near Niederanven
- Cycling directions
- Welcome to Mensdorf
- Rainy afternoon
- Veloroute Syrdall near Schuttrange
- Is rain that dangerous?
- Mud and puddle
- Track fork
- Local cycling route near Roeser
- PC 1 in Kockelscheuer
- Oops
- New segment of PC 20 between Kautenbach and Wiltz
- Beginning of Piste cyclable de la Wiltz
- In the valley close to Kautenbach
- Hiking trail to Kautenbach
- Viewpoint near Kautenbach
- Hiking trail betwen Goebelsmühle and Kautenbach
- Hiking trail betwen Goebelsmühle and Kautenbach
- Hiking trail betwen Goebelsmühle and Kautenbach
- A track from PC 16 near Bourscheid
- Viewpoint (between the trees) near Bourscheid
- The village of Welscheid
- Sign on PC 16
- PC 16 in Welscheid
- PC 16 in Warkdall
- PC 16 loop in Warkdall
- PC 16 in Warkdall
- A brief instant of sunshine near Essingen
- Useldange Castle decorated for Christmas
- Useldange Christmas canon
- Light painting in Hovelange tunnel
- Fog in Eischen's soccer field
- De Mënsch sculpture in Steinfort
- Bikes not allowed on cycleway
- Former Grass train stop
- Crossing the border line
- Ënneschte Bësch nature reserve
- Light painting in the fog
- Puncture!
- Have a good lock!
- A mural on the floor
- Sunset
- Bertrange forest
- Morning horse
- Soft effort
- Night of the tentacle
- Bike doctor
- Track in Mamerdal
- Bridge over the Mamer river
- Woods between Kehlen and Kopstal
- Sentier de la Mamer
- Sentier de la Mamer
- Sentier de la Mamer
- Boneshaker road from Keispelt to Direndall
- New cycleway
- PC 14 between Kehlen and Keispelt
- Drëps picnic place at night
- Misty morning
- Bridge on Sauertal Radweg
- Sauertal Radweg
- Tour Mélickshaff
- Cycling link between PC 2 and Berdorf
- The Grand (Duchy’s) Canyon in autumn
- PC 2 canyon
- PC 2 between Bech and Consdorf
- Light and shadows
- Old railway
- Autumn day on piste cyclable d'Echternach
- Trees at an angle
- Bech tunnel
- PC 2 near Bech
- Autumn on PC 2 in Grünewald
- There is no Planet B
- Pfaffenthal from Red Bridge
- The village of Wormeldange
- The village of Ehnen
- The village of Ehnen
- Remich from Nennig
- Bridge to Remich from Moselradweg
- Vineyards near Wellenstein
- After sunset near Remich
- Vineyards near Remich
- Vineyards near Remich
- Forest at an angle
- PC 1 between Grund and Hesperange along the Alzette river
- PC 1 between Grund and Hesperange along the Alzette river
- PC 1 between Grund and Hesperange along the Alzette river
- PC 1 between Grund and Hesperange along the Alzette river
- PC 1 between Grund and Hesperange along the Alzette river
- Night sky near Garnich
- Kahler from above
- Junction between PC 12 and PC 13
- Track to Villa Romaine between Goeblange and Nospelt
- Fog on PC 14
- Forest track near Capellen at night
- Track next to PC 14 between Mamer and Capellen
- PC 9 near Leudelange
- PC 9 near Leudelange
- Luxembourg Airport
- PC 9 near Leudelange
- PC 9 near Leudelange
- Fork
- View over Soleuvre
- Poor Teddy
- PC 9 near Sanem
- Waiting for a train?
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert between Grass and Clemency
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert sign
- Cheers
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert between Eischen and Steinfort
- Inside Hovelange tunnel
- Hovelange tunnel
- Hovelange tunnel
- PC 12 near Hovelange
- The fastest cyclist of the group, walking near Beckerich
- Niederpallen train
- Useldange Castle
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert between Bissen and Boevange
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert between Bissen and Boevange
- Barns between Bissen and Boevange
- Street view
- The cheering tree
- Inflation
- PC 12 between Colmar Berg and Bissen
- Drink
- B:Loft awards to the best decorated bike
- B:Loft awards to the best decorated bike
- Château de Pettingen
- PC 12 between Eischen and Steinfort at night
- PC 12 between Eischen and Steinfort at night
- Night in the forest the day after a storm
- Spooky tunnel on PC 12
- Mural by Capellen tennis club
- PC 1 between Val Sainte Croix and Strassen
- Protected cycleway
- PC 14 after a day of wind and rain
- Dramatic route to work
- Sky got suddenly dark
- The red leaf
- Autumn in the forest
- Leaves on the way from another perspective
- Leaves on the way
- Used space by different road users
- Drëps at night
- Blue light district
- Gantenbeinsmillen
- Link to PC 13 from Holzem
- Autumn in the woods
- Forestry works
- Empty Pétrusse river
- A night commute in the woods
- PC 6 near Sanem
- Autumn evening on PC 12 near Clemency
- Autumn is coming to Bertrange
- Summer is still in the air
- OMG some rain!
- Bech tunnel
- Schiessentümpel waterfall
- About to see one of the highlights of Luxembourg
- Naturpark Mëllerdall Geopark sign
- Hiking directions on Mullerthal Trail
- Mullerthal trail near Heffingen
- Track near Heffingen
- Track near Junglinster
- The end of PC 5
- A very soft track
- Skiddy track
- Surrounded by trees
- Forest track between Lorentzweiler and Fischbach
- Just after a tough climb East of Lorentzweiler
- Orange trees on PC 15 near Lorentzweiler
- Climb between Mamerdal and Bridel
- Dissipating fog in Parc Lentz, Bertrange
- Parc Lentz, Bertrange
- Millegässel climb in Luxembourg Eich
- Oak leaves at dusk
- Sunset in the fields between Mamer and Kehlen
- Kehlen orchard
- Path near CR 102 between Mamer and Kehlen
- Track between Mamer and Kehlen
- Sun rays in Bertrange forest
- Feeding time
- Mushrooms
- Sentier des Sept Châteaux
- Fog
- French garden at New Castle of Ansembourg
- Distance accuracy
- Äischdall
- Mushrooms on Sentier des Sept Châteaux
- Mushrooms on Sentier des Sept Châteaux
- Elections are around the corner
- Nospelt Peckvillercher
- At night on the bike before the end of the Milky Way season
- Looking up
- Starry night on PC 17 near Rambrouch
- Cycling on a clear night
- Cycling on a clear night
- Old Schweicherthal fire department vehicle
- Cycling tunnel between Eischen and Hovelange
- Piste cyclable de l'Attert near Eischen
- Sunny bike
- Sunset behind the tree
- Speaker
- Saddle to the sky
- Clear sky near Garnich
- Koerich Castle
- Villa Romaine Goeblange
- Villa Romaine Goeblange
- Traffic
- Motorised traffic
- Who let the cows out?