Well, That's a Cycle-Path-tastrophe!
Graffiti gone wild at the abandoned building
Decisions, decisions, which direction will I chose?
The Cow-tastrophe on the bank
When the sun plays hide-and-seek
Join the Vëlosummer ride, autumn's calling
New signposted bike route in Sanem
Fallen heroes of the orchard
Art blooms on concrete
That grass just had a swim – it was underwater not long ago!
Vëlosummer route near Peppange
Going between Vëlosummer H and I routes
The guardian of the three cantons
Artwork in Schifflange - la vie en commun by Yvette Gastauer - C
Fallen trees
Flooded corn field
Thick clouds
Threatening sky
Wet ride
Icy cobblestone
New year's leftovers
Rainbow, apple tree
Art in Schifflange
Hiker in the rain
Bird sculpture
Tandem bike
Train sculpture in Bettembourg
Flying drone
Huge rain drops
Puncture time
PC 6 closure near Sanem
Free fruits
Windmill construction progress
Stormy weather
Rainbow before the real storm
Slightly wet conditions near Soleuvre
Vandalised swing gate on PC 6 near Hellange
LMAO map
Undiverted closed cycleway in Noertzange
Torrential rain
Torrential rain
Water reflection on the asphalt
Fallen trees in the Alzette river in Schifflange
Threatening sky in the South
Saut-de-Mouton Bettembourg
How to spend millions on bollocks infrastructure
Clouds near Bettembourg
Cats seem to love my bike
Confluence point of 3 cycling routes
Pylon replaced following last year's tornado
Factory in Schifflange
Rain near Sanem
Hill halfway into the fog
Factory near Sanem
Hill between Kayl and Dudelange
Social cycling to Esch
I cycled more than this distance ;-)
Confluence point between PC 6, PC 8 and PC 12
Curious cows
Tornado aftermath
Tornado aftermath
Tornado aftermath
Fire in Sanem
Caterpillars on the way, so please go kill yourself against spee
I am one of the two
PC 12 in Linger
Château de Sanem
PC 6 near Schifflange
Wet road near Schifflange
Following the motorway between Noertzange and Schifflange
A long way to summer
Local and national cycleways near Abweiler
PC 6 near Sanem
Minett Tour map/information board
Closed road on PC 6 in Schifflange
Because a closed road is not enough
Where should I go?
PC 6 between Esch and Ehlerange
Closure annoucement
PC 6, PC 8 and PC 12 convergence point
From PC 6 to PC 12
PC 6 and PC 8 fork
PC 6 near Schifflange
French border on PC 6
PC 6 on French border near Hellange
PC 6 between Peppange and Hellange
PC 6 between Peppange and Hellange
PC 6 between Peppange and Hellange
PC 6 between Peppange and Hellange
PC 6 in Peppange
PC 6 in Livange
PC 6 near Livange
Railroad crossing
Ready for a long distance trip by bike (on the water)?
PC 6 closed to Bettembourg