Heart of the forest path
Bath at Drëps
Bath at Drëps
Alles op de Vëlo 2024
Blooming apple trees
Fallen tree above the track
Rock reflection at Drëps
Mikado forest
Interesting sky
Trailer-shop in the orchard
Drëps after rain
Fallen tree
Alles op de Vëlo Mamerdall 2022
Foot bath in Drëps
Razed bridge in Mamer
Damaged bridge near Mamer
Collapsed track near Mamer
Fallen trees on track near Kehlen
Cycling to Kehlen
Cycling to Kehlen
Autumn colours above Mamerdal
Morning commute in Drëps
Vëlosummer Mamerdal
Vëlosummer Mamerdal
Summer in Mamer
Vëlosummer ride with Luxdoc and B:loft
Feet in the water
Threatening sky near Kehlen
Forest track between Mamer and Kehlen
A stop at drëps picnic place
On the way back from an IT room inspection
Drëps picnic place at night
Lunch ride with G.
Bike to work via Mamerdal
Track to Mamerdal
Drëps, Mamer
Roadworks... even in the forest
Alles op de Vëlo 2019
On the edge of the forest
Bloomy ride
Track up
Autopédestre Mamer 1
Trees at an angle
Drēps picnic place
Track between Mamer and Kehlen
Track between Drëps and Capellen
Drēps picnic site
Drëps picnic place
Track between Capellen and Mamerdal
Track between Capellen and Mamerdal
Picnic table in Drëps
To ford or not to ford?
Team picnic at Drëps
Team picnic at Drëps
Team picnic at Drëps
Team picnic at Drëps