- Syrdall near Syren
- Autumn cloudy day near Contern
- Vëlo shower in Syrdall
- Ready for Vëlosummer or Vëloshower?
- Threat in the sky
- Cloud behind me
- Cloud in front of me
- First snow of the year
- Syrdall VeloRoute near Syren
- Empty motorway due to partial lockdown
- Blooming tree
- Unpaved part of Veloroute Syrdall near Syren
- Near Syren
- Ieweschte Syrdall sign
- Books given away by a local resident
- VeloRoute Syrdall near Schuttrange
- The best of Syrdall
- Cycling directions
- Welcome to Mensdorf
- Rainy afternoon
- Veloroute Syrdall near Schuttrange
- Is rain that dangerous?
- Autumn in the forest
- Inaugurational ride on Veloroute Syrdall
- Cycling directions
- Vëloswee Syrdall near Oetrange
- Dangerous in wet conditions
- Vëloswee Syrdall between Contern and Moutfort
- Asphalt track to Contern
- Vëloswee Syrdall