A Path Through Time
Tracks to Nowhere and Everywhere
Cow Path to the Forest
Skate Park? More like a splat park!
Relics of industry, now in Nature's embrace
The Summer Dream is over!
The border of old, now in the arms of Nature
A liquid dance
Forest path along the Eisch
A break on the trail
Tyre detail
When frog meets wood
When your castle has a modern extension
Cow council: the meadow meeting
A pile of haystacks
Summer dream, Steinfort
Someone's having a sole-ful day
Decoration bike wheels in Steinfort
Alles op de Vëlo 2024
Branches on the way
Damaged trees
Damaged trees
Track near Septfontaines
Path near Septfontaines
Outdoor seating
Mini rainbow
Nature reserve near Steinfort
Ruin in Jongebësch
Art in Steinfort
Dragon of Mersch for CNY
Designer bench
Old railroad
Art in Steinfort
Snail sculpture
Ruin in Jongebësch, Steinfort
Blocked wheel: sudden stop
Äischdall Vëlosummer
Street food at Alles op de Vëlo
Mini waterfall along Autopédestre Steinfort
Sentier des Sept Châteaux in Septfontaines
Fox sculpture in Steinfort
Koerich church
Sun after the rain
Forest near Eischen
Forest near Eischen
Ruin in Jongebësch
Snail in Steinfort forest
Art in Steinfort
Art in Steinfort
Found jacket
Forest track fork near Arlon
Mini waterfall
Light Painting session in abandoned house
Light Painting session in abandoned house
Deep puddle
Frozen fountain in Septfontaines
Light on a snail
Waterfall at night
Waterfall at night
Äischdall at night
Moon above Koerich castle
Track near Steinfort
Ruins near Steinfort
Äischdall after the rain
Threatening clouds in Ansembourg
Change in hiking route
Mini waterfall
Härebësch information board
Royal Air Force memorial near Koerich
Sentier des Sept Châteaux
Beautiful Decay event in Koerich
Border house near Steinfort
Old railway near Steinfort
Giant snail in Steinfort
Damaged path
Mini waterfall
Ruin next to the EIsch river
Belgium/Luxembourg border
Sentier des Sept Châteaux near Hollenfens
Traditional photo stop in Äischdall
Good old-fashion sign
Impf-Stoff exhibition in Steinfort
Impf-Stoff exhibition in Steinfort
Impf-Stoff exhibition in Steinfort
Abandoned house near Steinfort
Hollenfels castle
Pirate hydrant
PC 14 is officially open between Mersch and Schoenfels
Trompe-l'œil in Roodt/Eisch
Fat pizza in Gaichel
Pancakes and tea at Chocolate House Mersch
Koerich Castle
Rain waves
PC 14 is (not) open in Mersch
Hollenfels Castle
Sandy way
Hollenfels Castle
The dragon of Mersch
Société des Eaux du Sud near Koerich
Social distancing at the butcher
Koerich castle
Syndicat des Eaux du Sud
Flood ahead
French gardens at New Castle of Ansembourg
Koerich castle
Traditional photo stop in Äischdall
PC 14 extension works to Mersch?
Koerich castle
Valley of the Seven Castles
Valley of the Seven Castles
Valley of the Seven Castles near Koerich
Misty moonrise in Äischdall
Misty moonrise in Äischdall
Promenade Pédestre: L'Eisch
Rain + sun -> rainbow ;-)
Facing each other
Hollenfels Castle
Fog in Äischdall
Nouveau Château d'Ansembourg
Äischdall near Koerich
Härebësch information board
Rain near Steinfort
Which way to Äischdall?
Didelbur historic lavoir
The Eisch river
Hollenfels castle
Koerich church
Syndicat des Eaux du Sud
Valley of the Seven Castles
Got drinks?
Sentier de la Vallée des Sept Châteaux
Benches near bonfire place
Koerich castle
Spiky roof
Eisch river
Sentier des Sept-Châteaux
Sentier des Sept-Châteaux
The dragon of Mersch
Hollenfels castle
Monument National de l'Indépendance
Wooden barn
The last climb before heading back to Mersch
Frozen Valley of the Seven Castles
Colour contrast
Frozen trees
Hunnebur water and picnic place
B:loft ride to castles